Friday, August 24, 2007


Originally uploaded by nicoleballet
Sorry for the huge hiatus. I have been crafty I promise, just around the house, not really anything to brag about. But tonight I finally finished a purse. I apologize, I'd really like to site where I got this pattern from but I honestly don't remember! I got it from a tutorial on the internet, and then I added two inches on the width and put in the pleats.

I will tell you now, I hate twill tape. Hate it. What a pain! I seam ripped twice before deciding to hand-baste the tape to the purse. It's still not as perfect as I'd like. If I do this purse again, which is doubtful, I'd also round out the bottom corners. I'd like more of a hobo bag look than boxy. Maybe if I put in two darts instead of one? I'll have to play with it.

I really love these Amy Butler fabrics. The busy pattern is not really my regular style, I'm trying to push my limits a little bit. The blue and cream is really more my speed and I'm debating on whether or not to put a punchy graphic appliqué on it.
The Other Side

Check out my new fat quarters too! I'm really excited about these. I really love the Joel Dewberry with the Denise Schmidt. I'm thinking about using those to make some pillows. We'll see...

In the meantime... BONUS KITTY PIC!
Don't even think about taking my post.

I hate posting without giving the source of the pattern, and I was very happy to find it again! Here you go.