Tuesday, December 18, 2007

On Why There Probably Won't Be a Crafty Post This Week

I walk back to desk. Sit down. Hand reaches to right, grasps.... AIR?? Oh please God no. My COFFEE?!?!?!? Did I FINISH IT already?!?!

Eyes dart to left, right, front, underneath chair. Garbage? A flash of brown cardboard cozy -


If I concentrate hard enough it almost feels like my lips are touching the sweet white plastic of a cup top and then the warm hazelnutty delicious rolls onto my tongue. Why can I not savor every drop, holding on with both hands, instead of WASTING it away and not even remembering that last glorious gulp of goodness? ::choke - SOB::

Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Masterpiece!

Originally uploaded by nicoleballet
So I used the same jagged scarf pattern to make one for my dad in this very manly navy. Arrr matey I spots me some manliness starboard! It's almost like I'm a real sailor. The only thing I'm missing is a parrot, and scurvy. That was my little play on the color navy and the group, the Navy. Try to keep up, we move a bit fast over here, port-side. (I have no idea what that means, just go with it.)

I finished the entire scarf only to realize I accidentally counted about 50 stitches short of what I should have. Oopsie daisy. And here's where my ravelry.com experience helped me out! YEA! I made my first post on the forums asking if I should just add on a swatch at the end or undo the entire thing. Well, one of my fellow ravelers (you are just foaming at the mouth you're so jealous that you're not on ravelry yet, aren't you? That's what I tell myself so I feel special.) gave me the advice to add a little sumpthin different at the end and make it look like I meant to do that. So taa-daaa! SCIENCE! I added some perpendicular stripes (I aced Geometry fyi) and then a navy border to kind of keep it all together. Joe said it looked good without the border, but I think it'll keep it from stretching out in all kinds of directions and look be-a-u-tee-full - I mean MANLY, unbelievably MANLY, arrrrr, anyone seen my electric drill? Oy I forgot to put the toilet seat down AGAIN.
The double scarf, perfect for winters in Chicago, and avoiding eye contact on the transit system. Chic and incognito.

I love both of the scarves together. If only I could accessorize like this all the time. These are the days I worship the cold weather in Chicago, right before the blasting cold winds come my way. Then I hide inside and drink cocoa.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Shnuggily cowl

Shnuggily cowl
Originally uploaded by nicoleballet
I bought some amazing yarn at Loopy Yarns on Friday. It's a blend between silk and mohair. The pictures don't really do it justice. I just want to bury my face in it. I have a bit left that I think I'm going to try and make into a hat.

Here's a bit of the close up on the pattern. It's a ripple pattern I got from an afghan. I may give this one to my mom instead of the green one, I don't know. Still debating.

Check out my shmancy 'paint' border. Then get jealous.

Friday, December 07, 2007


Detail on the throw
Originally uploaded by nicoleballet
At lunch I started practicing my knitting; I am an excellent student if you didn't already know. It took me about 45 min. to get two inches of scarf using super bulky yarn. Sigh. I have a new-found respect for knitting.

Tonight I pulled out a throw my mom made me when I moved into my new place. And I was kind of overwhelmed with how long this must have taken her to make. The throw she made is from two different types of yarn and it's in a diagnol rib pattern with purl borders. My yarn is even bulkier than this and it's having a hard start.
It's shnuggily shoft

Isn't this beautiful? You should know it's folded in half in the picture above. It's huge! I love this blanket which is why it rarely leaves the closet. Kitties have a sixth sense about these things, "Oh you love this? ME TOO ::stretch, yawn, CLAWS KNEAD::" After having to weave in some snags a couple times I called it a day. Still, it's nice that since it's put away, when I take it out it is cat hair free! A rarity in these parts. Someone please tell me there's a magic spray I can just cover everything, including myself in, that will repel cat hair naturally. I will give you my first born, I promise.

I know you're saying to yourself, "didn't she just go through a mom-bashing rant in the other post?" Yah, I know, I just like to keep you guessing. What am I going to do next? You don't even know. Just try, just try and guess, you can't, you can't even do it. The only thing you're guaranteed is that it will include the use of caps lock, multiple vowels in a row and the vocabulary of a five-year old, cowabunga! Ha ha! I made another funny!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

k1 p1 vs. sc

After my knitting class I've been looking around at the forums and things to get a general idea about the attitude out there about knitting and crochet. It ranges from the very strong: "I HATE crochet." to the very vague, "If you like crossword puzzles or math games, reading and such, knitting is the way to go." Wait, why, what?? Well I like Candyland so ::sticks out tongue::.

It seems everyone has a pretty narrow notion of what either technique produces. All knitting is floaty and easy and there are loads of patterns and all crochet is bulky and structured and old, etc. Not so. I'm not going to argue about which patterns are cooler or more modern because it all comes down to personal taste. Both techniques just feel different, it's a preference. What kind of irks me though is that people who have strong opinions about either technique have experience in only one of them. I know, I know, you tried one pattern five years ago and it was tedious, well hellooooo it's a new skill, it's going to be hard!

I admit, my reaction to knitting is an immediate, "Change? NO!" And I kind of like searching through the internet for crochet patterns, it's like a treasure hunt. I got over it though, I think there are going to be certain things that I am going to want to knit, ::ahem:: legwarmers ::ahem::, and others that I'll want to crochet, hats, blankets, as God is my witness I will get to that hexagon blanket!

To the point: I'm trying to keep an open mind! Trying different stitches with different yarns is half the fun. And I get automatic bragging rights for being able to do either technique. Oooo look at meeeee, I'm so CRAFTY. I made a hat by knitting AND crocheting wooooo! Look how clever I am!

Onto trying new things with a new attitude. Because it's hella cold in my office dang it. And I want pretty leg warmers, edged in lace. Because I can. Just like how I wear my wedding veil blusher around while ironing: because I CAN.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


"Look babe! I finished the scarf for my mom!"
"ooOO! AAAND it can be worn as a belt!"
"No one likes a smartass, Joe."

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Mom's Christmas Gift

Mom's Christmas Gift
Originally uploaded by nicoleballet
Definitely click on the picture for a closer look. I didn't strain my wrist on those teeny tiny shells for nuttin'!

It's another scarf from my Vogue Knitting on the Go book. This is the third pattern I've done from that book! I highly recommend it. There's still a couple more I want to try.

I had some reservations about doing this thing since the yarn was so tiny and so was the hook. They recommended an E but I crochet so loosely I wound up using a D. The ribbing was really tedious, but after I got through that the shells were a lot easier. The bigger stitch was faster to make and I crocheted in spaces instead of stitches so it went a lot faster.
I hired a professional model to show of the scarf's natural beauty. HAHA, oh God I am hi-LAR-ious. Oh stop! Aw man I am good. No seriously, I should really think about doing this professionally, you know, being witty. It's like my job. My J-O-B, yah you know me, and there I go AGAIN. Most people mistake me for obnoxious, but truly, it's all natural brilliance. Much like my rack. ...of spices.

In line to be crocheted: Dad's scarf, another sawtooth in gray and navy, and a hat for my brother Ross in dark green. He's doing this rastafarian dread lock thing that I've got to support just because it annoys the hell out of my mom. Then I think I'm going to take a break from the crochet projects and do some sewing.

Confession time: I caved and went to my first knitting class today. Lauren talked me into it and I didn't have a good enough reason not to go. We'll see how long that goes. In the meantime, fiber news wise I'll be heading to Loopy Yarns downtown after work on Friday for their holiday celebration! 20% off yarn that is red, green, white or blue, refreshments and help on projects. Looking forward to it.

Update: Is it sad that I'm in my 20s and I still get pleasure when I get a rise out of my mother? I'm thinking on a level yes... but you would too if you saw her reaction, namely, she has one.

"Ni-COLE! I cannot believe you did that! ::eyeroll + grimmace:: Just look at his dreads. ::grimmace:: Why are you letting him DO this to himself? ROSS! RO-OSS! You really need to cut those off. You look DIRTY. ::grimmace+groan+sigh+choked-up-fake-crying-sound:: I just don't understand why you're DOING this."