Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Mom's Christmas Gift

Mom's Christmas Gift
Originally uploaded by nicoleballet
Definitely click on the picture for a closer look. I didn't strain my wrist on those teeny tiny shells for nuttin'!

It's another scarf from my Vogue Knitting on the Go book. This is the third pattern I've done from that book! I highly recommend it. There's still a couple more I want to try.

I had some reservations about doing this thing since the yarn was so tiny and so was the hook. They recommended an E but I crochet so loosely I wound up using a D. The ribbing was really tedious, but after I got through that the shells were a lot easier. The bigger stitch was faster to make and I crocheted in spaces instead of stitches so it went a lot faster.
I hired a professional model to show of the scarf's natural beauty. HAHA, oh God I am hi-LAR-ious. Oh stop! Aw man I am good. No seriously, I should really think about doing this professionally, you know, being witty. It's like my job. My J-O-B, yah you know me, and there I go AGAIN. Most people mistake me for obnoxious, but truly, it's all natural brilliance. Much like my rack. ...of spices.

In line to be crocheted: Dad's scarf, another sawtooth in gray and navy, and a hat for my brother Ross in dark green. He's doing this rastafarian dread lock thing that I've got to support just because it annoys the hell out of my mom. Then I think I'm going to take a break from the crochet projects and do some sewing.

Confession time: I caved and went to my first knitting class today. Lauren talked me into it and I didn't have a good enough reason not to go. We'll see how long that goes. In the meantime, fiber news wise I'll be heading to Loopy Yarns downtown after work on Friday for their holiday celebration! 20% off yarn that is red, green, white or blue, refreshments and help on projects. Looking forward to it.

Update: Is it sad that I'm in my 20s and I still get pleasure when I get a rise out of my mother? I'm thinking on a level yes... but you would too if you saw her reaction, namely, she has one.

"Ni-COLE! I cannot believe you did that! ::eyeroll + grimmace:: Just look at his dreads. ::grimmace:: Why are you letting him DO this to himself? ROSS! RO-OSS! You really need to cut those off. You look DIRTY. ::grimmace+groan+sigh+choked-up-fake-crying-sound:: I just don't understand why you're DOING this."

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