Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Into the Mind of A Chef Pt. 2

Our neighbors stopped by to 'borrow' a can of tomatoes.

"This is so great! I always dreamed that we'd have neighbors to borrow food from! I wanna dump out a whole bag of sugar just so we can go next door and borrow some!"

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Hello dear blog. It's been a while. Holidays are around the corner and I should have a good start on handmade gifts for everyone I know!


Sorry people, not this year. I've been doing a pile of selfish crafting and it's been delicious. It's not that I don't love you and want to wrap you up in woolen-y goodness, it's just that... I'm effing cold. If I don't make myself the patterns that have been burning a hole in my queue I'm going to die a cold cold shivery death. And then who will bring you your gifts? Hmm? That's what I thought.

My favorite project for me so far is definitely my Rose Red. I knitted it using Sublime, a merino wool angora blend chosen because I needed my hat to be fuzzy. NEEDED. This thing shed all over my pants while I made it, but now it seems to have settled. It keeps my head and ears warm so effectively that sometimes I have issues hearing people. Actually, that might just be me and not the hat so much.


I've also been diving into socks. These are pretty satisfying projects. My brother Ross requested some so I made him some Masonic Lodge socks in a whopping size 12 with Cascade Heritage. Mmmmmmmmcascadeheritaaaaage. This yarn is gorgeous, comes in a bajillion colors (yes, a bajillion, I counted) and feels like butta. In fact, in blind yarn tests, 9 out of 10 people preferred Cascade Heritage to butter. It's true.

Joe let me take pictures of his feet for a full 5 minutes before cracking.

Ross just started college clear across the country and when I asked him for his address he responded with, "1223 something apartment something." I'd like to point out that he told me this in writing. Joe's feeling pretty sure that these socks are going to wind up his. I don't know why.

Portrait of a Mew - He's a very serious Mew cat and he cannot be bothered with your nonsense... oh... oh.. you say you want to scratch the side of my chin? Very well. But directly afterwards I will need to get down to serious Mew cat business. Something about a gnat in the bedroom.