Saturday, February 28, 2009

Dear Misti Alpaca

Kate first asked for a beret for Christmas. But I kind of slacked off and it never happened. Then she said I could make her whatever I wanted. WHATEVER I WANTED. That meant I could get whatever YARN I wanted. I could list many reasons why you are so fantastic and why this pattern (Chickadee Cowl) is in my top 10 of best all around pattern/yarn combination in the categories of easy-ness, high satisfaction rate, fast completion time, and efficient use of one fabulous skein of yarn. Instead:

Enough said

Oh. My. Lord. It's Beautiful



Meg said...

oh my gosh - it is SO beautiful! LOVE IT!!!

Lolly said...

Okay, I'm gonna have to make one! With this:

You have some nice projects and I enjoyed reading about them.