Friday, June 30, 2006

Overheard in Nicole's House

Too Many Pepe le Piu Cartoons

My mom: Bryan, are you going to take Spanish or French this year?
Bry: French
M: I don't know, it's really hard and both Nicole and I can help you with the Spanish.
B: No it's not! You just put 'le' in front of everything. Le I am le going to le speak frances.

AIM Conversations
How much?

Nicole82: Ok bye! I love you!
Nicole82: THIS MUCH!!
Ross89: I love you too!
Ross89: this much

Ah the Computer Illiterate

Mom41: Hi, it's your mom.
Nicole82: Yes I know, hello.
....five minutes later...
Mom41: Bye! love, Mom

Wait... Did I Just Tell you...
(At dinner after a couple glasses of wine)
Mom: So the baby shower was a lot of fun?
Me: Oh yah, we had a great time even though the weather was awful and nobody came.
Dad: It's nice that you got to go though.
Me: I know! There are so many baby showers going on! Kathleen's, Kelly's, a girl I work with. There must be something in the water, I'm drinking bottled from now on.
Me (thinking): Wait... did I just tell my parents that Joe and I are...

Me: So I know I've told you guys it's a possibility that Joe will move in with me after his lease is up. Well, we've decided that's the best thing to do so he'll be moving in at the end of the month.
Mom: hmm... Well make him help you paint this place!
Dad: What? You're worried about the PAINT?

A Little Awkward
Joe: Thanks so much for helping me move this mattress.
Dad: Yah Nicole said she doesn't like hers any more and that yours is a lot better.
Joe: Yah she does...
Dad: Uh-huh...
Joe: ummm...

1 comment:

CC said...

parents know things...for instance:
My coming out story to my mom:
Me: ::crying in line at Burger King in Conservative Hell, NC:: :Rachel broke up with me because her parents told her they didn't understand and made her chose between them and me.:
Mom: ::well, then they are a bunch of hipocrits.::
Me: ::surprised:: :thanks, mom. that's it.::
Mom: ::yeah. why?::
Me: ::well, I basically just told you I was gay, something I have been scared to death of for almost 20 years.::
Mom: ::yeah, I already knew.::
Me: ::what?::
Mom: ::you aren't that mysterious.::

yeah, so parents know things.