Thursday, June 15, 2006

Summer Sesssion is Ending...

With the wedding right around the corner (AH!) I decided not to sign up for the next session of ballet. The instructor said I could pay as I went along, so I think I'm going to do that. I can't stop altogether!

Yesterday we only had four people in the class. I wore a $5 long jersey tank top that was cut on the edges and my hott pants. I felt very 80s waspy. I have decided that Forever 21 is my new favorite ballet gear store. Little do they know their collection of retro 80s t-shirts are my Mecca. I just bought one of those long sleeved tie shirts (in turqouies) that only cover your boobs for like $4. It will look spectacular over my black leotard. I love that people actually wear this crap around, and I only wear it to ballet class. I also have a hoodie that has its arms cut off and shows off the mid-drift. I bought it with Meg one day.

Me: Hey Meg! If I was walking with you and I was wearing this would you cross the street?
Meg: Oooooh, I'm sure I've worn plenty of stuff you wouldn't want to be seen with.
Me: ...No.
Meg: Then yes.

As real clothes go I think I have a couple of tops from Forever 21 that I actually wear in public, but they're all the kind of thing where you have to wear something under them, like a tank top so that people don't stop and point at your bra. And so that Joe doesn't call me 'Hooty McBoobs.'

We did a lot of jumps in ballet class yesterday and today my calves are really sore. I love how the teacher goes into the whole explanation of "jump in fifth one two three four, and sissone one two and royale and step back side front, royale, and back side BACK and now left one two three four, and sissone one two and royale and step right back side front, royale and back side back NOW the ARMS" WHA? NO ARMS! ME NO DO ARMS. I didn't do arms... She was talking about this whole shoulder thing, frankly it was lost on me. I mean seriously, she's lucky if I don't run into somebody. I practiced it later at home except holding onto something. The cats enjoyed the show.

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