Sunday, October 07, 2007


Originally uploaded by nicoleballet
How is it October and 90 degrees outside?? Even with this odd weather I still have a hankering for crocheting my brains out. I'm starting with this fun scarf that will be a Christmas present for someone I know who has a vintage fabric purse to match. This pattern eats yarn for breakfast, but it's going to look so great when I'm finished. I got the pattern from Vogue Knitting: Crochet Scarves. This book is full of inspiring patterns, I'm already lining up yarn for two more patterns.

Another fun thing about doing crocheting is that I can take it anywhere. So I took a break from the crocheting today and decided to make myself some new pillows for the couch. Another good thing about this project is that I can scrap the old pillows and repair some over-zealous kitty love marks on the couch legs.
How do you like the bird theme continuing?

I kind of made up the pattern for the pillows. It took me about 2 and a half hours to finish them mostly because I spent a lot of time squaring up the circle patterns. I really wanted to make sure they wouldn't be off on a diagonal when I sewed them together. I think I did a pretty good job! I love love love the wood grain fabric. I have loads leftover and I'm thinking of using it for someone else's Christmas present.
Really liking it with the yellow chair

I have to say, I think this is the first sewing project I've made for myself! It feels good! I like walking into the living room and seeing something I put together, I know nobody else has it.

Back to crocheting and snuggling kitties for tonight!

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