Monday, October 20, 2008

Rockin Out

Mini-project! My friend Paul asked for just one hand-warmer, so I had to comply. He wanted it for his strumming hand when he plays bass... on Rock Band. They're fun and easy to make plus doing just one is super quick and gives me a nice break from starting more complicated things. And I got to use up some itty bits of Noro that I had in my stash. Bonus.

Feel the punk

The black and blue/green went unexpectedly well together. I think there may be some soft blue tones in the black yarn that blended with the blue really well. I was happy with the end result. Paul thinks it's a little warm for bass-playing, but it is only October. We'll see what he says mid-December.

I still owe you a write-up on the Aleita Shell, but I'm working out the kinks. It is just a bit big and I'm really hoping I can figure out how to make it more fitted then I can give a complete run down on the whole thing at once.

Right now I am knit knit knitting forever knitting the Lacey Hoodie with that teeny tiny tencel yarn. I am doing it in the round and I'm halfway through the bust increases. Although I am a little nervous that the increases may not be enough for MY bust, this is why we use lifelines. I'll try this baby on when I get to the dividing point for the v-neck and make a decision if I should rip back. Although I reeeeeeeeally don't want to. I've put a whole lotta time into this thing already. Here it is a week and a half ago:

sooooooo teeny

I did take it off the needles at one point to make sure it fit. Now it has about 7 more lace repeats. The picture there shows it with just one lace repeat (the part above the red lifeline). Do you like all my stitch markers?? Oh yah I am super paranoid. I took out about half of them once I got some more confidence about the pattern because they were becoming a nuisance. So now I have one marker to every two repeats. I don't think I'll go with any less than that. I already have two errors in there, but I am beyond caring, there's no going back for two teensy mistakes that are easily fudged away.

I am so dang proud of my work on this thing, I show it to people who don't even care. Joe's really nice about it and puts up with me showing it to him every five minutes, "Look baby! I did another lace row! Doesn't it look great!?" Then I spend like twenty minutes just smoothing it out and cooing, "Oh hellooo lovely, aren't you the prettiest ever? Yes you are!" Seriously, if this thing doesn't fit by the time I'm done I will have a complete and totally knitting breakdown. There will be tears.

I'm mulling over some other ideas for a brainless project to go with this one so I don't get completely burned out. Keep you posted!

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