Monday, June 29, 2009


Really briefly:

I started a Lavalette, because they're fabulous and it's a good cause, plus I get to use some Malabrigo lace that I've had in my stash forever. And it's been in a ::GASP:: yarn cake! I know BAD KNITTER BAD! for quite some time.

Although I love patterns that start with only 2 stitches to cast on, I have come to a revelation: k2tog. is. The. Devil.

Maybe you disagree? Maybe k2tog is your favorite stitch, you love grappling to get those two stupid stitches to stay together as your other needle attempts to grab your yarn. Maybe that's fun for you. If so, I hate to be the one to have to tell you, but you. are. insane. There is something wrong with you, my friend. And that something is in your BRAAAAAAAAIN.

You must be one of those people who takes joy in removing all wire hangers from their closet, throwing them on the ground, mixing them up a bit and then trying to separate them again. You! Yes YOU! Put all of your necklaces in a lump in a bowl just so one morning you can take extra time getting ready.

Well, I may also keep all of my jewelry in a lump right where I know to find it out of sheer laziness, but I will not stand for this k2tog nonsense. I will do some internet searching; I seem to remember some back loopy higgily piggily or something I dunno. But k2tog must go. Suggestions are welcome.

UPDATE: So I tried the lace Addis, and I even tried Signature needles, and I've come to the conclusion that the problem lies with me. Sucking it up...


Lynne said...

Um, are insane. I've never heard of anyone hating k2tog. Weirdo. :P

Sneeze said...

I agree with Lynne. I hate ssk, but love k2tog.