Thursday, May 28, 2009

New Favorite?

The project I was guilted into making

Everyone at knit night was making Ishbels. I was really not sure if this was a project that I would like or use or was my style. But everyone was making one... and everyone was gushing about them... and Malabrigo sock yarn is just. so. preeeeeeetty.

I caved. I caved like a fat kid in front of delicious delicious cupcakes. Not just delicious. Delicious delicious. And that's just what my Ishbel is.

Lacey goodness.

I still haven't exactly figured out what it goes well with, but I wear it anyway. I give the pattern a 5 out 5 on clarity. I'd say it's a great beginner's lace project. And it's just enough purling that I don't get sick of purling. I might make another one with the same yarn because I think I have enough leftover. For this project I bought blocking wires. I'm kind of excited about them.

Next month is the month of the Apres Surf Hoodie. I'm all geared. It's going to happen. I'm going to finish this thing. Or I'll just do as much as I can until the end of June when I call it quits. Sounds like a plan.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Ishbel is gorgeous! That looks like such a fun shawl to knit. I'm too scared to try it. xD