Monday, March 03, 2008

Fingerless mittens or fingerless gloves? I think I like mittens. Cuz it rhymes with kittens. tee hee Kittens with mittens, mittens with kittens.

I've been doing some major work on my fingerless mittens from Miss Eunny. Please please please open that link in a new window because if you don't I know you'll never return to this entry. I have currently ripped out and started over the color work on these twice now. sigh. It's okay though, they look loads better now than they did when I started. First I tried having brown as the background with pink as the design, but there just wasn't enough pink! If you look closely, the pink actually changes colors slightly going lighter and darker and I really wanted to show that off. Because it's purty dang it! You should be very proud that this yarn is not any sort of shade of blue or turquoise. It seems anything and everything I could make, I automatically go for the turquoise, and it's usually the same shade that I'm wearing at the time. So I went for a color I don't normally wear this time to mix it up.

I'm surprised I still have the motivation to do a second mitten after all that ripping, but so far things are looking good because I've been imagining wearing these to Paul's Rock Band Party Part Deaux!! YES!! ::insert devil horn hand signals here::

I heart Rock Band. On Guitar Hero my character's name is PHOENIXX (yes all caps please), and Kate and I made our band name Mind Moose on Rock Band. I imagine that when we take the stage the announcer from the movie Spiderman goes, "MIIIIIIIIIIIND MOOOOOSE!" with his voice going up an octave and then down again like a verbal roller coaster. Because that's what are show is like fool - an effing roller coaster YEAAAAA! Ideally speaking I would wear a leather bikini top with a sequin mini skirt in order to show off my PHOENIXX belly tattoo to Paul's par-tah, but sadly I'll have to settle for my new Foo Fighters t-shirt and fingerless mittens. I would wear my new beret, but berets aren't punk enough, sorry.

You wanna rock with 'dis?!

I haven't worn a beret since I was about six years old and had a bowl hair cut. I was the hottest thing in two mary janes, I'll tell you what. Those holes are supposed to be there, I promise. I wore it to work today and noticed that it is exactly the same color as the shirt I'm wearing. I'm cursed I tell you. I swear I don't do these things intentionally. The pattern is from Twinkle's Weekend Knits. I added one more row of increases, but next time I think I'll do two to make it extra-slouchy. This one was a pain to do on double pointed needles, my stitches kept falling off! And then there was the part where I kinda skipped four rows of pattern, cuz I'm cool like that.

Twinkle's book had me a wee bit disappointed. I have her first one and there are a ton of sweaters in there that I drool over. There's maybe one in Weekend Knits I would actually make. There's a throw that is pretty too, but easy to figure out without having to pay for the whole book. Then, there's a scarf that is scarily reminiscent of the one I made for my dad with crochet?! ::Looks over right shoulder, looks over left shoulder:: What's going on here?

Besides being obviously stalked by knitters because I'm sooo pop.u.lar., I've been stocking up on yarn and knitting supplies. I'm currently not allowed to buy any more. You know, unless I really need it, like really really need it, or it's super cute, or it's right in front of me and I can't just LEAVE it there! Can you just LEAVE it there??

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