Monday, May 08, 2006


I realized I never did a follow-up post on what really went down in my back doc appt. It was thrilling. And by thrilling, I mean a colossal waste of my time. Although the x-ray guy did give me some oreos so at least I didn't go hungry. But I probably walked around the rest of the afternoon with oreo in my teeth. Hotness.

Doc: So it doesn't look like your spine curvature has gotten worse.
Me: Well no, of course not, I'm dealing with pain associated with an injury in high school.
Doc: Aha...
Me: I get these shooting pains around my rib cage and it hurts more when I breathe in, they usually last now for about half an hour. Before they went away after a couple minutes.
Doc: Hmm... Does the pain inhibit you from any of your normal activities?
Me (confused): Well yah, I mean I can't really breathe.
Doc: No no, I mean normally.
Me (more confused): Uhh... yah because I can't breathe.
Doc: No! I mean AFTER the pain is gone.
Me (ready to strangle someone): Of course not, because then the pain is gone.
Doc: Right, riiiiiiight... hmmm... we-ell, since it's not interfering with your daily life I suggest you give us a call if it gets worse over the next couple of months.
Me: Isn't that... what I just did?
Doc: We could give you an MRI but I sincerely doubt that would show anything.
Me: Ok... so what am I supposed to do?
Doc: Call me if it gets worse, in the meantime I'm giving you some literature on vitamins, they are shown to improve joints.
Me: Vitamins????
Doc: Oh yes, I highly recommend the vitamins.

So I left, with yet another set of lovely x-rays and an article on effing vitamins. I'm so excited for the bill to arrive.

When I got home I started searching breast reduction surgery. I was totally for it, but after seeing some of these pictures... ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I think I'll wait this one out as long as humanly possible.

Update: so it's been weeks after the doc visit. And back pain wound be the same. Vitamin article remains unread. Sue me.

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