Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Nicole Tries Ballet Part 2

Today I was anxious to go to my second class, and a little nervous. I pretty much had spotting down, except for the whole balancing on the toes thing, that was still shaky. Still, I really wanted to see if I was getting any better. I know you can't expect much in a week, but just to know the warm-up steps would make me feel like I accomplished something. Then I could concentrate on the arms or looking hott in my pants (HA! like I need to even THINK about that).

There was another reason why I was worried. There was a minor groin incident on Saturday, involving alcohol, techno music and a midget. No suriously, there was a midget.

FLASHBACK!! (not Flashdance... yet?)
::Boom shaka boom shaka boom boom shaka shaka::
Meg: HAHAHA ohmygosh boom boom shaka be- boom shaka you!
Meg: ::yelling into my ear:: There's totally this midget behind you dancing and it looks like he's getting down with you, you look HI-larious!
Me: ::doing not so conspicuous drunk glance:: HAHA!! Niiiiice...
::Boom shaka boom boom booooom::
He definitely had bleached blonde hair.
Two hours later...
Me: Aw man I think I pulled my groin.
Meg: Do girls have groins?
Me: I dunno, but if Kabbables can do it, I certainly can.
Meg: Who?
Me: What? I've lost all hearing in that ear.
Meg: Never mind.
Next morning... I'm gimping around like a ... uh... gimp.

Luckily my regimen of wearing flats to work from last Thursday on seems to have paid off. Today I arrived on time and stretched out. The regular instructor, Jessica, was there. She was wearing cut-off pink tights, pink ballet shoes and a black long-sleeved top. I can't figure out whether her bottoms were shorts or a skirt, no matter. Oh yes, AND leg-warmers that went up to her thighs. I LOVE leg-warmers. Her cut-off pink tights almost made me take back my comment of "What the?" when I saw cut-off tights in Lucky magazine declared "hip"... almost. I was wearing my hott pants and my Vandy Rites of Spring t-shirt (in no way affiliated with the ballet, instead a drunken concert on alumni lawn. Whoop! Commodores!).

Author's side note: Has anyone been into Express lately? Because they definitely have **jazz pants** there, no lie. When was the last time you've seen spandex pants tried to be pulled off by anyone other than your grandmother? It was a little scary... I buy **jazz pants** all of a sudden **jazz pants** are supposedly in style (::looks right, left, behind shoulder::). I think I'm being followed. Still I will never EVER try and wear these things in public besides the half a block walk to the dance studio. Anyway...

Right away I breathed a sigh of relief, Jessica started explaining positions. EXPLAINING!! What a novel idea! If only she had suggested this to her perky replacement last week. Although I spent my time listening adjusting myself in the warped mirror so that my right thigh looked huge compared to my left... and reverse... and back... and reverse. Sometimes I think I have adult ADD. It seems not only the older blonde lady was put off by Ms. Perky, this week there were three less people in our class. That was fine with me, it meant I could bend over at the bar without worrying about literally brown-nosing the person in front of me.

Our warm-up was much more enjoyable for me because our regular instructor went a lot slower and explained every detail. Now I finally know the point of the point exercise: to pointe (oh yes, that's an 'e'). We did a new exercise where you make a half-circle with your foot and back again. It amazes me that ultimately all of these exercises are made to form your foot into a perfect point. I love it! It reminds me of all the discipline that I had to put into learning the right technique for violin.

Jessica gave us a nice speech about not moving our arms like five year olds. I have yet to achieve that grace seeing as my limbs are twice as long as necessary for the rest of my body. It's true, people have made not-so-nice comments. Ahem JOE. I never seem to know what to do with my arms.

Random Guy at Apartment Party: Woa, when you raised your arm right then it looked crazy long... do it again.
Me: No.
RGaAP: Do it.
Me: No.
RGaAP: Aw fuck this I'm getting a beer.
Me: Yes thank you?

At the end we tried the same combination step we tried last week, sache, sache, step step little gran je te. This time I think I nailed it! Then we changed directions and feet and I lost it again. Oh well, just making it once was worth it.

At the end we stretched out on the floor, and I must say I have the second most loose hamstrings in the class, take that T-back!

Mostly I think I just look awkward. I don't think I have very fluid body movements. Gotta work on that.

Me: Leanne, do I look weird when I dance at clubs?
Le: mmm... no most of the time you look normal, then sometimes you just look awkward.
Me: hmmmm... sometimes I just feel awkward.
Le: Deep.

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