Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Nicole Tries Ballet Part 3

Nicole cools down after another
ballet class

This is how I felt during this week's ballet class. All we talked about through the whole class was arms. Which, as you know, I have an ample supply of. At one point I hit the person next to me. "Oh Nicole," you say, "you're totally exaggerating." I am not. A little background for the layperson: I insist to this day that I should be a model size 5'8" if not 9" tall. Instead I was cheated in the womb and developed an impartial vertebrae resulting in a wretched 5'7" (okay okay, I'm rounding up). A vex on genetic disorders! I truly believe if my vertebrae were totally developed I would be completely in proportion. The rest of my body is built for that 5'8" model, why? WHY? I ask! Therefore, I have approximately two inches extra on my arms. Sure, what's two inches? Oh, it's a lot when you're used to seeing people with no inches extra. My footballer shoulders don't help either. Put your shoulders down. Relax your shoulders. They are relaxed! I promise! Well poopies, what can you do? Lop off an inch of both my arms?? I have to figure out a way to make my limbs look graceful and artistic. This is going to take some practice...

Class was really fun. We did some old things, some new things, I showed off the things I practiced at home and totally flopped at some of the new. Why does the explanation sound so easy in your head but when you try and do a combination it just goes crazy? It's like trying to pat your head and rub your stomach in a circle at the same time. We were doing relevaes, that's when you point your toe forward and kick a little bit off the floor, and there were different arm movements to it too. And I swear it sounds so easy but then I tried to do it all together and it just went blacfb823r0odfgj. At least, that's the Greek translation. I'll just have to torture the cats some more with my practicing.

On Sunday I was practicing my p.k's (I have no freaking idea how to spell that) across the floor and back and it seems I riled Manus up because the next thing I knew he was running along with me. Probably trying to get my shoes, sneaky bastard.

Some of the girls in the class are really timid when they do combinations. Instead of leaping, they just kind of hop. Come on! We're all in spandex here, you can't even try to hide anything. I, however, am leaping my heart out, of course. ...and throwing my monkey arms around in artistic expressions. I feel I'm portraying deep emotions like "WEE!!!" and "Look at me!" and "Ow I landed on my ankle weird back there and now it kinda hurts!"

We also did jump combinations. I have one thing to say about those: now I know why ballerinas do not have boobies. They fell off.

Conclusion to class# 3: Monkey arms rear their ugly heads yet again. God reminded me why it was a bad idea in 5th grade stuff my mom's bra with tomatoes, wear it around the house and dream.


Krantzstone said...

Useless without pics! ;)

CC said...

you make me laugh hysterically. we will always be in the dolly parton club together.