Saturday, April 08, 2006

Drunken A-holes

I had an interesting night... I was determined to go out tonight because I'm pretty sure I'm going to spend the rest of the weekend in the burbs. Unfortunately, everyone else was determined to stay in. Losers... So I wound up having some drinks at the apartment of James, my BFFeva Meg's boyfriend. There we are, me, Meg, James and one of James's roommate's friends. And this guy is plastered. He went to the Cubs game so he started drinking around 6a.m. ok I exaggerate... 7. We wound up watching Rachel Ray's $40 a Day because it was in Chicago. Rachel decided to take in lunch at Backstage Bistro which is run by culinary students at the Art Institute of Chicago. The conversation went something like this:

Me: Joe had to do this for Kendall except they're open for dinner, too. They're also ranked #1 in the city.
Drunk Guy: Number one in the nation?
Me: No in Chicago.
D.G.: OH! I thought you said in the nation. pish! Number one in Chicago isn't saying much.
Me: It is considering Chicago is one of the biggest cities in the nation.
D.G.: There are other great schools in San Francisco, New York...
Me: I'd think the best school would be in France, and since that's not an option.
D.G.: Yah well it's not like being a chef is that hard anyway.
Me: Oh yah it's SOOOOO easy.
D.G.: Seriously.
Me: Ok. I was being sarcastic.
D.G.: It IS easy you just have to pay attention. All you need to know when you're being a chef is what flavors go with what. You say, "hey onions don't go with this, NO onions!"
Me: And you have experience in this?
D.G.: Well... uh ya-ah. I worked for Outback Steakhouse as a chef AND I cooked for my parents A LOT. In fact when my grandparents became ill with cancer I got a lot of experience cooking for them.
Me (oh great the cancer card, dropping the conversation now since I've met you five minutes ago, awesome)

After that, anything I said the guy just fought me on. Which was awesome. So I left. My cab ride home was also interesting... Cabbie tells me the last guy in the cab jipped him a fare so he "had" to knee him in the gut. I'm feeling very secure at this point. The conversation turns to him not wanting to see Brokeback Mountain "because of those fags." Awesome. I only so much as get out that I do not like that word before I decide to shut up. Definitely not a good idea to argue with a guy after he tells you he just kicked someone's ass.

So that was my Friday night. Good times, wish I'd stayed home...

1 comment:

CC said...

Well, that sounds super fun. Love to see that argumentative assholes and close-minded homophobics live somewhere other than the south.