Thursday, April 13, 2006

Nicole Tries Ballet Part 10

This may be a long entry. Today's ballet class was a lot of fun. There were only five people there which was really nice, more room to move around. We learned some new things at the barre. Most of which really worked on the leg muscles (surprise surprise). It was harder for me because I was really sore today. I did a pilates abs class at Bally's yesterday and it really kicked my ass. So naturally when we moved to the floor we did abs exercises ::groan::. Needless to say I'll definitely be feeling it tomorrow.

After stretching a bit we started doing jumps. Luckily I thought ahead and put on, not one, but two exercise bras. Oh yah, I was double dutying it up baby. And it worked wonders. We did a complicated combination and I think I could get it if I practiced some more. I just get confused on which foot to lift first because we do right and left sides. After that we did more piques, which I rocked. AGAIN. WHOOP! Let's get to the important part of this entry... I've been promising PICTURES WEEE!!!!! So here is my new black leotard, pink tights and legwarmers:


Here's me in my new blue leotard and hott pants

Relevae with kitty (only professionals dare to tackle this death-defying move, that's my concentration face)

Sorry for the delay on this post. Things were crazy busy and blogger was giving me a hard time with uploading photos.

So you may be wondering why I'm not talking about my mom coming to class... that's because she WHIMPED OUT!!! It was too bad too because it would've been fun with her there. ::sigh:: Oh well, I'll just keep dancing my little heart out.

On another note, I was talking to a girl in my class and she said she was, "an actress." I asked her what she was working on and she said, "auditioning, EVERYbody's auditioning right now." Hmm... interesting. The actress isn't that great at dancing. She's the extra flexible girl who just isn't picking things up.

Sometimes I wonder about the people in the class, a lot of them have missed a bunch of them. I don't know, for me, I don't want to waste my money by not showing up, not that the classes were really expensive or anything, but I'm a frugal bastard and I hate wasting a dime, dollop of food, etc. I go out of my way to pick up pennies and I eat food far past the expiration date. I'm pretty sure the cream cheese I'm still pulling out is dated a month ago. In fact, I have no qualms about taking laundry to my parent's house still or stealing a bit of their food. I had to talk myself out of stealing the aloe infused toilet paper. I go out of my way to get to The Union on Fridays for their $10 all you can drink beer + well drinks + all you can eat pizza deal. It's $10!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't even buy lunch any more, my cheek-clenched money habits have beaten my laziness into submission. I do spend money on clothes and shoes, but in my defense I WILL wear them until they are pit-stained, full of holes and beyond the help of arm and hammer baking soda.

I think I get these habits from my dad. The guy who picks out TV's from the dumpster and fixes them up (I think he has four in his workshop, not counting the two I have in my apt. THANKS DAD!). He has a bagfull of rags from old clothes that never seem to go away. He also picks out furniture. He has his and hers lazyboys sitting somewhere that he found along with a dinette, two papazans, and I have no idea what else. This is why I love him.

Maybe it's from my Aunt Kathy. Who endlessly cuts up papers that are already printed on to use for scratch. We had mountains and mountains of this scratch paper, it was endless. If this woman had the recipe for post-it glue, she'd be putting them out of business.

OR it could be my crazy grandfather. He puts the 'crazy' into frugal bastard. Yep he's definitely a crazy frugal bastard. He'll stiff people who worked for him and then try and hire them again. He keeps the same decrepit boat around even though it's rotting and squirrel infested. He has the same suits from the 70s (my brothers beg to wear them to school dances) that are bright yellow with gigantic collars. He also has medications decades old. I'm already going to apologize for the next story. When I asked him for q-tips, he showed me his 'stash' of ones that he'd already used but kept around. ::shudder:: Is that something from the handkerchief era, or just my crazy grandpa? I'm thinking just my crazy grandpa.


CC said...

meeeyoww on the photos, Nic. And, of course I am talking about the kitty. Is that McManus or the Fenster? Judging by previous conversations, I am betting Fenster. I recevied your "save the date" card and I love it! So adorable. I think the school schedule will work out where I can come up for the wedding. So excited. Oh, and I promise a blog before the end of the week. Rites of Spring is on Friday and Saturday, so that should provide me with some fodder, no?

Nic said...

That is McManus. He makes a fluffier shawl due to his full figuredness. I hope you can come!!! Yea! Barnard reunion!

CC said...