Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Nicole Tries Ballet Part 11

Since I've received oh so many demands for a new blog post (okay it was just one) here ya go.

Last week we did pretty much of the same. Tomorrow is our last class actually. Nothing really exciting happened in class so I'm going to talk about the wedding a bit.

Now Joe and I want to send out invitations June 1st. We actually sent out save the date cards a couple weeks ago (if you didn't get one it's because you're not special... no suriously it is). Anyway, a couple of Joe's friends that were supposed to get one didn't because I DO NOT HAVE THEIR ADDRESSES! You're saying, oh those old friends are so hard to get in touch with. No, no, these are current friends, current friends living maybe a mile away. The list would include, one of Joe's former roommates AFTER college, guys he and his roommates usually hang out with every other week, and the topper on the cake, one of the best men, there's two. After asking Joe to help me, he got ONE guy's address. Finally, I asked his other best man to help. He, who shall remain nameless *cough* Matt *cough* never returned my call. Which was surprising because the boy has a cell phone glued to his right hand. He's in touch with people I haven't seen in eight years. Awesome. To Joe's credit, he lacks the innate nagging ability that was infused into me in the womb through all the amniotic... uhhh... stuff... I decided to take more action.

Here I must admit that I joined facebook a couple months ago-no wait! No, no don't go! I know, I know it's lame, what do you want from me? I only have like 20 'friends.' Anyway, I know two of Joe's friends through facebook. One, again, never returned my messages. Then finally, FINALLY I received a message!!

i am so sorry i didn't respond. i gave up AIM
and Facebook for Lent, really, and I've been
horrible at contact. if you still need any
addresses, please e-mail me: don'tworryiwillsaveyoufromthehopelessabyss@gmail.com


PRAISE JEBUSALLAHBUDDHAWHOEVERHELPEDME!! After I emailed the one guy who actually volunteered to help, he sent this lovely email out to everyone except for ONE GUY (and I didn't expect him to have that guy's info. anyway so it totally worked).

Hey folks:

I don't know why someone out in Nebraska is doing this, but here I go:

Nicole needs your mailing addresses. E-mail her at helpmehelpme@gmail.com

To which one of the guys responded with his multiple email addresses. Do you see why I'm struggling here????

At least, in a matter of hours I had every guy's address except for one. Guess who? The best man's. Figures.


CC said...

This represents yet another reason why I don't mess around with boys. Chicks have addresses from their kindergarten classmates and random aunts and uncles of people they met on a summer vacation when they were 11. Multiply that times two and you have a HUGE wedding with TONS of gifts/checks and, yet, even stil, we can't get married. Go figure.

CC said...

Oh, and PS, thanks for posting a blog for ME!

Nic said...

Guys definitely have their perks... they just don't involve an up to date address book. ...or basic hygeine... hmmmm...