Thursday, April 06, 2006

Nicole Tries Ballet (In Style!) Part 9

It seems my wireless router is broken, no blinking lights, not even the one for power. How this could happen is beyond me, the thing is not even a year old. Oh well... I might shell out the $$ for an apple one just so I can password protect my connection. Anyway, so I don't have pictures of my new outfits yet, but I'll work on it!

Yesterday I went to class wearing my new tights and legwarmers with a blue tee and shorts I already had. I love my legwarmers, even though I'm pretty sure a chick in my building was laughing at me. Whatever. The people in my building (save three) suck. They're all anti-social and snobs. Take my latest conversation with one for example:

Me: Thanks! (for holding elevator door)
Guy in Elevator: Oh they put tile in here.
Me ('duh it's been here for a week but guy has suitcase so will not judge): Yah.
G.I.E.: It looks nice.
Me: I guess, it gets pretty dirty easily though.
G.I.E.: Haha, well we've got to give Jaime (our maintenance guy) something to do! haha!
Me (mumbling with awkward laugh): That's... not... very nice...

I'm all for people doing the job they're paid for, but let's not go out of our way to make more work for them, seriously now. I like having a maintenance guy, but I wait until absolutely necessary to call him for something. Like when my air conditioning fan broke, or when my bathtub had to be snaked (ew), and when I broke a light fixture in my bathroom and I knew he had a replacement.

My next awful encounter with residents had to do with some girls who I don't know even live in the building. If they do, they definitely have daddy paying for it because there is no way they have a steady job. The day of the air and water show last year I threw a party on the rooftop and my parents and some of their friends came and so did a couple of mine including one of my good friends Jess who lives in Florida. A bunch of other people in the building were also there watching the show and drinking. So Jess and I run downstairs to my apartment for... something... probably amphetamines. And we're in the elevator with these three girls who see us push a floor other than ground floor where they're getting off, but somehow still seem surprised when the doors open since they don't move to get out. So Jess and I say, "Excuse us, excuse us!" and push through the dynamic drunk trio. Just as the doors close, one of them exclaims, "God! People are SO RUDE in this building!" Loud enough to echo down the hall, to which I respond, "OHMYGOD! Aren't they?!" I'm confused on how we were possibly rude. Maybe someday I'll be enlightened.

Anyway, my legwarmers rock! And Miss Gucci Sunglasses can kiss it, she is soooo jealous.

Class turned out to be a huge thigh worker. We were practicing going from the different positions out to second and up on our toes. You go super fast and have to keep yourself turned out. It's quite a work-out on the inner and outer thighs. We also did pirouettes at the bar again. I swear I have an easier time out in the middle doing these things, I don't know why. After some stretching we did jumps. I hate jumps. They hate me. Again, people with bazooms should not be forced to do jumps. Luckily, we moved on to doing piques with turns and then piques coupled with another kind of turn. I did pretty well, I have piques down because they're the easiest step to practice in my little apartment. I have a tiny path from my table to my door that I can go back and forth in.

I got the go ahead from my teacher that my mom can join class. I called her and told her she could definitely come next week with one stipulation: she is not allowed to voice her critiques unless I'm doing something that will definitely cause injury, I really don't want to hear anything negative about my class. I know we stink, and we're not professional, but I don't want to hear it from her. We'll see how this goes... In the next installment of!!!!! NICOLE TRIES BALLET!! STAY TUNED...


Nic said...

Just realized I called girls in my building 'residents.' Wow freudian slip back to my RA days!

CC said...

andyou probably thought about all the vandebitches you had to deal with over the years and suddenly the facade fell away. ahh, the good ole days of resident advising.