Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Last night we had our birthday celebration for Joe's mom and sister. We went to Brasserie Jo's on Hubbard and Clark. After a very interesting cab ride in which the cabbie babbled on about politics in Chicago, blah blah blah and Joe entertained him by agreeing with him, we got out of the cab and the cabbie said to Joe, "If you see me again, don't get in my cab." ??? I was thoroughly confused after Joe had a 15min. bonding experience with this whack-a-do. Guess he was expecting more of a tip? Chalking it up to the cabbie crazies gods.

Brassier Jo's is a French classic Cafe style up-scale restaurant. We had a great time there. On the whole, the entrees were mildly disappointing. The shrimp bag? A novelty. Joe's dad got the best one, the skate wing with brown butter. Nobody does brown butter like the French mmmm... If you go there I recommend the appetizers and most definitely the DECADENT desserts. I had chocolate overload after one bite, but I have a sensitive sweet tooth. Chocolate tends to taste bitter to me if it's really rich.

And my presents were big hits! I was so glad! Joe's sister really liked her pinboard and the best part-the fabric covered button push pins. She even said she was going to take it to work and use it there! I was so flattered. Joe's mom seemed really thrilled with her needle case too.

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