Friday, June 08, 2007


My sad sad blog. My sad sad unupdated blog. So, ballet has come and gone with my wedding. It makes me kind of sad that I've dropped it, but I'm moving on! Trying new things! Exploring! Ballet was an excellent discipline, but the nagging perfectionist in me was starting to get a little disappointed in myself and I couldn't really enjoy it as much as I wanted to.

Anyways, I have been keeping myself busy, contrary to the non-existent updates to this blog. Joe's night hours leave me with a lot of time myself and lately I've been getting crafty. I think it started with crochet... moved on to embroidery... and now sewing. I'm starting to mix all three and see what I come up with.

Wednesday night I went to my first sewing class since 6th grade. After class I got into a discussion about my craft blog obsession with the teacher of the class and she said, "I think to have a blog you need to be a stay at home mom with at least two kids." Sad, but true. A lot of the crafty projects I see online are snazzy cloth diapers, teeny dresses, and doll quilts. I get absolutely no use out of these three things. Okay maybe the diapers.

I went home after staying in the fabric store for 2 and a half hours babbling about my craft blog obsession with the idea to share some of my crafty projects online. Far from perfect, but I like them enough to give to people so there!

Today's installment: Crochet

Here are some purses I made for my mom and mother-in-law for Mother's Day

Originally uploaded by nicoleballet

This one I gave to my mother-in-law.

Here's the one I made for my mom:


Both patterns are from "Stich n' Bitch: Happy Hooker". The fourth grader in me is saying I should underline that book title. Why do you never see book titles underlined anymore? Is that taboo now?

Future crochet ideas in the works:
-Happy Hooker scarves (skinny and scalloped edge) and bunny slippers!
-More handbags Futuregirl style
-Hemp crochet baskets (hopefully I can find the Japanese craft book that I've seen online)
-Eventually I'd like to tackle crochet stuffed animals.

Next post! Embroidery! OOOOOOOOOooooooooo!

1 comment:

futuregirl said...

Both of these purses are awesome. I especially like the one for your Mom. That's a great brooch! :)