Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Nicole Tries Ballet Part 5

I got the face today!!!!

I was doing rom da johns (yah I have no clue either) today, that's when you're at the barre and you point your toe and move it in a half circle from front to back and then reverse to go from back to front, and I got the face. Yep. I looked behind me and my teacher was making the face at me. THE face! I am heart-broken. What did I do wrong? I don't know... I'm going to hope that she was making the face at the person in front of me and I got caught in the cross-fire. Sure, sure, that's it! I got caught in the cross-fire, definitely. ::sniff sniff:: Be still my broken heart.

We did some new things at the barre (at least they were new for me since I missed last week), a lot of stuff where you lift one leg off the floor. Then we moved to the floor and did some new stretches. She had us do the spread eagle one, and I really don't like it. My knees are double jointed so they're more flexible and when we sit like that they start bending sideways because gravity starts pulling them. It starts getting painful, I don't think that I should be feeling pain in my knees, groin yes, knees? I'm not going to do that stretch anymore.

So it seems while I was gone last week the rest of the class learned a routine. A ROUTINE. When put together it lasts approximately 30 seconds, if. And it is the most complicated thing ever. Since the majority of my choreographing experience lies in Square Dancing 101 from 6th grade, I was basically at a loss. I'm supposed to just throw all these arm movements together and get the feet right at the same time? AND she wanted specific HEAD MOVEMENTS! Say WHA?

Ballet instructor: We start on the floor, legs crossed, arms on legs and you're sad look down, open to the front, brush the floor with the right hand, oh look down you're still sad, and get up! And step one and look to the front and step and reach up you're trying to get something! Aw you didn't get it come back and look down, and reach to get it! Yes you got it! To the front! And p.k., p.k., step clasp hands, hands to the chest and push out! And you're up! You're getting out of this! And to the back, turn turn, and doooooooooown...
Me: Oooook, so when you start is it left foot over right or right over left?
B.I.: And let's put it to the music!
Me: !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Needless to say I flunked. But it was kind of fun to have a routine. Unfortunately, right after I thought I was finally getting it, she took it away and said we'd work on jumps for the next couple weeks. Jumps! I wanted to practice the routine and come back and WOW her and then that way I could pay attention to what other people were doing and find out... once and for all... if the face was meant for me.

The mystery continues... next blog entry....

p.s. Do you think this routine means there will be a recital?? hmmm...


the ramblings of a bored lunatic said...

if there is one...i am showing up with a camera and popcorn.

CC said...

If only I could be there. Chicago's not that far away...especially if it is over the summer. Oh, and though I am not "the boy", I wait in anticipation every week for your entry. Sad, I know, but your witicism makes my Wednesday...and Thursday.