Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Nicole Tries Ballet Part 8

Seems I've figured out why I had such a hard time last week. None of the flunkies were there! Everybody was back today and I got a little ego boost because we did p.k.'s and other spins that I've practiced a lot before. So I rocked going right AND left. Booya!

It seems registration for the next session starts April 1st. I think I'm going to sign up because it goes through May and June which is perfect for me. Things might be too crazy come July and August with wedding stuff. Besides, I want to take off for the *honeymoon* tee hee. Can't wait!

So I felt really good after class. I'm having a serious moment. I really think this class was a great idea. Starting out I knew it'd be a lot of fun, but I really feel more confident. I used to be more of a 'huncher' and now I feel like I stand up more straight. I feel less self-conscious about my arms, too. A girl in class said she thought I really improved! It was a nice compliment.

My new ballerina gear shipped yesterday. I'm so excited!!! I got tights, legwarmers and a leotard. Check it out.


Wee wee I'm so cute in my legwarmers
In this ensemble I will be even more believable as a pro

Haha! My assimilation into the professional ballerina world is almost complete... little do they know.

1 comment:

the ramblings of a bored lunatic said...

awwww...when do we get to see the fashion show?? on another note:
Brett paid for the breast pump (chump change to the Breslins) and then they donated it to the hospital for their program that helps out low income mothers.