Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Sick Day!

Things I Learned on my First Legitamate Sick Day:

1. I will miss absolutely nothing at work.
2. Only one person will leave me a voicemail and it won't be important.
3. The only work e-mails I receive will be ones with the following titles:
-Lego Church
-The pope and the republicans
-Fw: Which car are you? I am a mazda
4. Lea Thompson was a ballerina who originally auditioned for Mikhail Barishnokov (or as I like to call him 'The Russian' from S&TC) before becoming oh so famous in Back to the Future after The Russian told her she was "too stocky." Thank you AMC.
5. My kitties do nothing exciting during the day.
6. The garbage truck sounds like a dog in pain.
7. There are two hours a day when Law and Order is not on.
8. Project Jay may only have one episode... ever. I am not happy about this.
9. I have no food.
10. I still won't have any work to do the day I come in.

My day consisted of me sitting around watching TV and periodically calling Joe who's on his week off to bitch at him because I'm sicky and he's ruining my life because he finished anything and everything good in my kitchen.

::ring ring::
"I just looked at my liqeur bottle, there is nothing left! You said you finished a lot of it, but I didn't know you meant practically ALL of it!"
"I'm sorry... are you still not feeling well?"
"NO! ugh..."
"I'll buy you a new one."
"I don't WANT you to buy me a new one."
"I'm taking a nap." ::hangs up phone watches another 2 hours of Law and Order::

::ring ring::
"Where is my popcorn?! I wanted to make a bowl for Prison Break, and I can't find it."
"Well, I made that huge pot on Saturday."
"You didn't tell me you used ALL of it up!"
"Well... yah... sorry."
"UGH! Fine, fine. I gotta go, Prison Break's on." ::hangs up, weeps for Wentworth Miller::


CC said...

OMG...so another pissed Project Jay watcher who is sick of seeing Heidi Klum deny his beautiful red dress for the Emmy's over and over and over again. God, Bravo network....can't you afford another episode. Just sell Seal's and Heidi's baby into infant model servitude to fund it if you must.

Nic said...

THANK YOU! I'm dying to know how his back surgery went. I LOVE Jay. The part where Wendy Pepper (yes you have to say both her names) says "Oh gosh, it's SO hard being FAMOUS blah blah blah" is absolutely priceless.

the ramblings of a bored lunatic said...

oohhh i want to know which car i am!!!!

Nic said...
