Friday, March 24, 2006

What to Wear... What to Wear...

And if you need to, buy some new ballet outfits because it's 70% how you look and 30% how you dance!!" -Kelly

Hmm... how does one define 'need.' So far I've been wearing the same jazz pants with different t-shirts to class. Other people's outfits (not counting our esteemed teacher) have ranged from jazz pants to actual ballet tights to regular tights, coulats (::shudder::), leotards, and t-shirts. T-back is very found of his tights (::double shudder::). Maybe it IS time to shake it up a bit.

My cousin Kelly provided me with a couple websites to peruse in my off time at work (otherwise known as the other 7 hrs. I'm at my desk). What do you guys think I should get?? I'm thinking legwarmers are a non-negotiable purchase, but there are so many kinds!
This picture makes me want pointe shoes, just so I can wear them around the house with legwarmers.

They also come in stripes! And I think I really like the ones that have cut-outs for your heels. I dunno, too 80s stirrup pants?

I really like these ballerinas. They're so cute! They're all pink and black.
That's me in the front, checking out my hott a$$

So what about leotards? The problem is my ba-zooms. They're quite large. All these leotards that say built in bra, HA! I scoff at you! ::scoff!:: How do I fit an exercise bra underneath these things? Are they stretchy enough that I can even fit into them? More importantly, should I get a black one or a pink one?

Every leotard comes guaranteed with it's own personal midget.

There are different options with tights too. You can get cutoff tights, full-length tights, CONVERTIBLE tights.

Maybe a little too high-tech?

Now the question is: Can I just waltz into class with all of my new gear on? Maybe I should eeeeease into it a bit. Week 1: tights, legwarmers, short shorts and t-shirt? Week 2: Jazz pants, leotard? Week 3: tights, legwarmers, leotard, criss-cross sweater? no sweater? Oh the possible combos.

pictures courtesy of: and go visit if you want to add suggestions!

p.s. Check this woman out. Isn't she craaaaazy?


the ramblings of a bored lunatic said...

allie used to do point. she would come home from school with her toes all bloody and in was gross.

Now go?? EXCUUUUUUUUUSE ME!!! You "scoff" and "scoff" at me when I use that (amoung others) and now you are stealing!!! WELL!!!

I don't know what this does to our friendship.

Nic said...

I never scoffed at the 'now go' there was no scoffing.

Anonymous said...

did you ever get an answer about waering a bra? im int eh same problem right now, if you figured it out plz e-mail me @